
Welcome to “Nutrition 101 in Pregnancy”!

Pregnancy may be an exciting occasion for many women, but for some, it can also be a daunting period of time as there is now the pressure of having to care for two, yourself and your baby.  

Your body will begin to undergo various changes at this point in time, so practising a good diet becomes crucial in ensuring the proper growth of your baby and to reduce complications at birth.

The foods you eat are the major source of all the nutrients your baby needs. Therefore, it is imperative that you take in a healthy balanced meal so your baby will get the nutrients he or she needs to grow and develop.

“A pregnant woman's nutrition directly influences the course of the pregnancy and normal fetal development, and also the long-term health of the mother and child. In the first half of pregnancy, nutrition requirements mainly concern quality, while in the second half, quantity is also an issue, to ensure fetal growth. Proper nutritional habits should already be established at the start of this second life - if possible even before conception”
- Swiss Association for Nutrition

Here at “Nutrition 101 in Pregnancy”, our aim is to guide you through how you can make a positive change in your diet. Equipped with ample knowledge, you can now go through your pregnancy with confidence!

Disclaimer: The material on this website is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.